Lawnmower Races


AUGUST  8, 2025

Start your mowers!
The Morton Loggers’ Jubilee is preparing for this year’s celebration. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the track on August 8, 2025. It is our desire to continue to provide the largest, most competitive and most fair race of its kind.

Over 40 years ago our race started out as a true lawnmower race, and our intention is to keep it just that. We want to provide a fun, fair, competitive race with basic lawnmowers that anyone can build, that anyone can enter, and that anyone can have a chance to win first place, without spending a fortune.

LAWNMOWER RACES 2025                    August 8, 2025

 NO PETS ALLOWED  due to the loud noises and crowded arena.


SECURITY will be checking any coolers.
NO alcoholic beverages allowed in arena.

for anyone over 21!

Adults $15 – Seniors: $10
Children(6-12): $5
Children 5 and under FREE



RACERS – Please click on the RULES and APPLICATION to sign in for the Races!

Any questions or comments please call:
Pam Cool   253-381-0465


                           JUBILEE LAWNMOWER RACE RESULTS
1977 – 2024

Men’s Champions                                                                                 Women’s Champions

2024: Justin McCorkle – Puyallup, WA                                                    2024: Lyn McCann – La Center, WA

2023: Chad Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                           2023: Dallas McEntire – Jacksonboro, TX
2022: J.D. Vanbever – Roy, WA                                                                  2022: Kaelyn Holten –  Yelm, WA
2021: Chad Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                            2021: Brenda Olstad – Amboy, WA
2020: Canceled due to COVID                                                                  2020: Canceled due to COVID
2019: Chad Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                            2019: Brenda Olstad – Amboy, WA
2018: Mike Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                             2018: Courtney Nicholson – Yacolt, WA
2017: Chad Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                            2017: Brenda Olstad – Amboy, WA
2016: Chad Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                            2016: Courtney Nicholson – Yacolt, WA
2015: Curtis Bruun – Eatonville, WA                                                         2015: Kristy Thorson – Battle Ground, Wa
2014: Mike Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                             2014: Kristy Thorson – Battle Ground, WA
2013: Chad Kuschel – Woodland, WA                                                      2013:  Brenda Olstad – Amboy, WA

2012: Chad Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                            2012: Kristy Thorson – Amboy, WA                                                2011: Kevin Rogers – Amboy, WA                                                             2011:  Brenda Olson – Amboy, WA
2010: Kevin Rogers – Amboy, WA                                                             2010: Dawn Walker – Battle Ground, WA
2009: Kyle Thorson – Amboy, WA                                                             2009: Kristy Thorson – Amboy, WA
2008: Justin McCorkle – Puyallup, WA                                                      2008: Brenda Olson – Amboy, WA
2007: Mike Kuschel – Amboy, WA                                                             2007: Dawn Walker – Battle Ground, WA
2006: Justin McCorkle – Puyallup, WA                                                      2006: Dawn Walker – Battle Ground, WA
2005: Ken McCorkle – Puyallup, WA                                                         2005: Dawn Walker – Battle Ground, WA
2004: Ramey Waser – Amboy, WA                                                            2004: Brenda Olstad – Amboy, Wa
2003: Mike Kuschel – Thunder Lake, WA                                                 2003: Brenda Olstad – Amboy, WA
2002: Ramey Waser – Amboy, WA                                                            2002: Dawn Walker – Battle Ground, WA
2001: Ramey Waser – Amboy, WA                                                            2001: Sharma Waser – Amboy, WA
2000: Richard Schimke – Bow, WA                                                           2000: Dawn Walker – Battle Ground, WA
1999: Richard Schimke – Bow, WA                                                           1999: Colette Taylor – Bow, WA
1998: Nick Mahaffey – Bow, WA                                                               1998: Tammy Armstron – Morton, Wa
1997: Jeff Rashoff – Glenoma, WA                                                            1997: Julie Schaffer – Morton, WA
1996: Rick McMaken – Roy, WA                                                                1996: Julie Schaffer – Morton, WA
1995: David Bishop & Elwyn Armstrong – Morton, WA                         1995: Paula Puryear – Gig Harbor, WA
1994: Rick McMaken – Roy, WA
1993: Daryl Hagerty – Lynden, WA
1992: Doug Foster – Selah, WA
1991: Jeff Rashoff – Glenoma, WA
1990: Jeff Rashoff – Glenoma, WA
1989: Doug Foster – Selah, WA
1988: Doug Foster – Selah, WA
1987: John Redfield – Packwood, WA
1986: Gus Stockdale – Morton, WA
1985: Doug Foster – Packwood, WA
1984: Marc Breckenridge – Bow, WA
1983: Daryl Hagerty – Lynden, WA
1982: Barney Scott – Sedro Wooley, WA
1981: Barney Scott – Sedro Wooley, WA
1980: Duke Goode – Sedro Wooley, WA
1979: Jim Van Cleve, Jr. – Morton, WA
1978: Jim Van Cleve, Jr. – Morton, WA
1977: Gary Reed – Morton, WA ——- FIRST RACE IN JUBILEE ARENA
1973: Dana Wolfe – Morton, WA